Cymdeithas y Delyn Deires
Sefydlwyd y Gymdeithas yn Eisteddfod Genedlaethol Llanrwst 2019 gan griw o ffrindiau oedd yn poeni am ddyfodol yr offeryn, a pharhad ei thraddodiadau.
Ei phrif bwrpas yw hyrwyddo’r Delyn Gymreig, ei hanes cyfoethog a’i thraddodiad cerddorol unigryw, trwy gynnal gweithdai a pherfformiadau a denu diddordeb cenhedlaeth newydd o delynorion.
The Welsh Triple Harp Society
The Society was formed at the Llanrwst Eisteddfod in 2019 by a group of friends who were worried about the future of the instrument and the preservation of its traditions.
The main purpose of the Society is to promote the Welsh Harp and its intrinsic rich musical heritage through workshops and the performances of the society and to attract a new generation of harpists.